Sunday 20 December 2015

Book Review: Hey Dad! Meet My Mom by Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal

Book- Hey Dad! Meet My Mom
Author- Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agrawal
Genre- Fiction
Publisher- Gargi Publishers

Some soothing and extraordinary happens in your life when you are at the verge of losing control. Puneet meets Rishi, his future son, to gather some answers, but got more confused on seeing Rishi's changing intentions. There are so many things that are making him fall in the deep dungeons of time.
What happens when mystery entangles? What happens when things start haunting Puneet? What happen when he is all alone? Where he reach at the end of his quest?

The title maybe sound amusing but it has a deeper connection when the story moves. But it doesn’t say the whole for sure. It compliments the story in a very tantalizing manner.

Radiant and bright, the cover is a perfect synonym to what the story deal with.

There are not abundant characters in the novel. It proves to be a plus point because more characters would have created complexity for sure. The characters allow you to explore their ins and outs completely, without missing any detail.
The author succeeds in developing a perfect definition of every individual. Characters also carry the hue of strangeness.

The prologue is capable of telling you that there would be a lot of imagination, over the horizon tales and incidents in the story. The plot of the story is very fresh. It stands out of the comfort zone and shows newness. It is mixed with some sub-plots and you mustn’t expect their answers in the initial pages.
A little sense of suspense is added as you step forward. It might instigate the need of assuming more than required. You stop somewhere on a random page and smile due to relatable things or laugh due to sarcasm. It’s hard to write comedy and the author has done a superb job to tickle the readers. From normal activities the story takes leap to some weird happenings, making you little anticipated for coming chapters.
The sensations that trouble the protagonist, Puneet are the most noteworthy ones throughout. The touch of suspicion and fear turns out to be comic. The small out of box notes and poetry will sway your mind for sure. It happens very less that you get two kinds of itch in the same situation. Very difficult task for the writer it would have been.
There are strong shifts from one genre to another. The flips in the plot make you blank. The middle portion of the story is not that catchy. The best part of the book is that you can’t guess the story before the end. The start and middle parts shows you completely different aura of whimsical lullaby. Some clues were getting available but some queries were also getting formed.
As the end approach the things start wrapping up quite quickly, without much detail. The sudden rush can leave some questions in mind. Also the narration in it gets a bit complicated. Wait was very quickly levelled. I wished things didn’t appear that way. Till now the story has allowed you to have widened eyes, a teary laughter and moistened eyes.
The end is not near. You think that you know what is going to happen but you are mistaken. An unpredictable end, penned in a very tender way and that’s what maps the closure of Hey Dad! Meet My Mom.

· “...blood drained out from my face when I found that she had no face.”
· “...I could see my fear in his eyes.”
· “The feeling was meant to be scary but it felt soothing.”
· “...King lost to Nina.” [Took me to my childhood.]
· “...her love never allowed me to forget her.”

The best part of the book is its unique simplicity. It’s like a perfect Hindi Cinema with an intelligent story. It makes you laugh, cry and love, together.
There are some scenes which are unthinkable and some are just so relatable.
Simple language and no painful words are a big plus point.

Big sentences and paragraphs disturb your reading. Cutting short these sentences would have really helped the novel. Some small errors could also be spotted.

I would like to recommend this book to all those who need some change in their type of reading. If you are willing to experience mood swings through the novel then Hey Dad! Meet My Mom can be an option for you.

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