Monday 24 February 2020


Uncertainities need to dissolve.
A closed loop is what I seek.
If I talk I talk nonstop and if I stay quiet it stretches for an eternity.
Some people put you out of it.
Some people push you in more.
I find bliss in my people these days.
The need of having new company has vanished.
I need to connect with old souls.
I know.
I wish to be the good old self who found happiness in the pages of a new book.
I wish to be the storyteller again; the poet who had a universe in her head.
I need my old people so I can see my real reflection.
I don't crave to go back in time but to just recollect the memories.
Memories which are fading.
What happens in life is scary at times but is exciting.
Every day is a new struggle, a new rush, a new dream.
People judge, advice and speak.
But a few feel.
I wish to stick to those few.
Those who feel.
I want this 'What if' to end.
I want this 'What now' to end.
Ending is not the right word.
Maybe I need a comma that stretches for a long time.
A sentence is formed which I don't need to finish it in rush.

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